Josh hoffman actor wikipedia
Joshua hoffman father
Joshua hoffman actor!
Brooke and Ridge’s son, RJ, was sent off to boarding school on The Bold and the Beautiful in 2018, but the long-missing character will soon be returning to the fold. Actor Joshua Hoffman has been cast in the sure-to-be pivotal role.
Joshua Hoffman, The New Ridge Junior
The young actor got his big break when he was cast as Les on the Showtime series Shameless back in 2014.
He also starred as Rudy Rosales on the 2015 Nickelodeon series Talia in the Kitchen.
Want to learn more about the actor?
Josh hoffman actor wikipedia
Here are seven things to know about Joshua Hoffman:
1. As a kid, Hoffman started his own YouTube channel. “It was about tech stuff, actually, like how to hack your iPhone,” he explains. “I jailbroke my iPhone, and I was like, ‘Oh my Gosh.
I’ve got to tell the world about how I did this.’ Until I noticed that 10 million other people have done that.”
Josh hoffman actor wikipedia biography
He grew up watching movies, which inspired him to become an actor. One film that truly impressed him was Rainman. In fact, if could play a