Colegio secundario manuel belgrano wikipedia

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La Comunidad Educativa del Colegio N° "Gral Manuel Belgrano" quiere celebrar junto a la Comunidad en General un año más de la Fundación de Salta, entendiendo que es un tiempo especial el que vivimos y que nos encuentra unidos de maneras diferentes.

Benny goodman biography wikipedia wikipedia

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ベニー・グッドマン(Benny Goodman、本名:ベンジャミン・デイヴィッド・グッドマン(Benjamin David Goodman)、年 5月30日 - 年 6月13日)は、アメリカのクラリネット奏者、バンドリーダー。スウィング・ジャズの代表的存在として知られる。.

Governor arnold schwarzenegger biography wikipedia

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ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is known all over the globe for his many accomplishments: world champion bodybuilder, Hollywood action hero, successful businessman, environmentalist, philanthropist, best-selling author, and California's 38th Governor.

Vovka ashkenazy wikipedia

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Vladimir Ashkenazy has had an extremely successful career as a pianist. He became famous for his playing of Romantic music and music by Russian composers. He recorded a very large amount of music including the 24 Preludes and Fugues of Dmitri Shostakovich, Alexander Scriabin's piano sonatas, Rachmaninoff's, Frédéric Chopin's and Robert Schumann's complete piano works, Beethoven's piano.

Josh hoffman actor wikipedia

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Joshua Benjamin Ruben (born June 30, ) [1] is an American actor, comedian, director, and producer. He has directed the comedy horror films Scare Me () and Werewolves Within (), both of which were filmed near his hometown in the Hudson Valley in New York, along with the upcoming film Heart Eyes ().

Praiz biography of albert einstein wikipedia

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Albert Einstein ( března Ulm, Německo – dubna Princeton, New Jersey, USA) byl teoretický fyzik, jeden z nejvýznamnějších vědců všech dob. Často je označován za největšího vědce století, případně spolu s Newtonem za nejvýznamnějšího fyzika vůbec.

Ricky martin wikipedia biography leeds

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Ricky Martin, born Enrique Jose Martin Morales IV on December 24, , in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is a globally recognized singer, actor, and author. He first gained fame as a member of the Latin boy band Menudo before embarking on a successful solo career.

Hayden christensen biography wikipedia

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Hayden Christensen (sündinud aprillil Vancouveris) [1] on Kanada filminäitleja ja produtsent. Üks tema tuntuim roll on Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader "Tähtede sõja" ("Star Wars") filmisaagas.

Mysha didi wikipedia

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Dìdi (Chinese: 弟弟; lit. 'Younger Brother') is a American coming-of-age comedy drama film, written, directed, and produced by Sean Wang in his directorial debut. The film stars Izaac Wang and Joan Chen.

Ian von memerty shows for kids

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Ian von Memerty. Self: South Africa's Got Talent. Ian von Memerty is known for South Africa's Got Talent (), For King and Country () and Dancing with the Stars ().

Taylor swift love story text messages

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American singer and songwriter Taylor Swift included a hidden message for each song within the lyric booklet of each studio album until the release of in The following is a list of each hidden message. "Tim McGraw": Can't tell me nothin'. "Picture To Burn": Date nice boys. "Teardrops.

Allama iqbal short history in english

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Allama Iqbal was a renowned philosopher, poet, and political leader who played a pivotal role in the independence movement of Pakistan. He is widely regarded as the spiritual father of the country and is remembered for his contributions towards the betterment of the Muslim community.