Prioleau alexander biography
Prioleau alexander biography
Prioleau alexander biography wife.
Prioleau Alexander
Goodreads Author
in Charleston, SC, The United StatesGenre
Humor and Comedy, Nonfiction, Travel
J. O'Rourke, Christopher Moore, Douglass Adams (author of the most P. J. O'Rourke, Christopher Moore, Douglass Adams (author of the most creative book ever written, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)....more
Member Since
January 2011
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A native son of Charleston, SC, Prioleau Alexander is a graduate of Porter-Gaud School, Auburn University, and a former Marine Officer.
The genre in which he writes is non-fiction humor on topics ranging from personal experience to history.
His new book is entitled Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
Prioleau alexander biography wikipedia
Madness, Mayhem, and the Making of America, which is now available on Amazon. It is a laugh out loud survey of American History, from Jamestown to James Brown.
He has created Facebook pages for each of the books, in order for readers to get a feel for the areas the books explore.
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