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Here's who's playing who in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
Daniel Radcliffe as 'Weird Al' Yankovic
It's the titular role! The actor who first gained fame for playing Harry Potter will now portray the musician behind such beloved parody pop songs as "My Bologna" and "Amish Paradise" in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.
"Weird Al" Yankovic personally selected Daniel Radcliffe to play him in the film.
Weird al amish paradise cast
The actor recently told Jimmy Fallon that it was because he sang Tom Lehrer's parody song "The Elements" on The Graham Norton Show in 2010.
"I guess Al saw that and was like, 'this guy maybe gets it,'" Radcliffe said on The Tonight Show.
Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna
Of all the pop stars Yankovic has parodied over the years, Madonna is the only one who suggested the concept herself. The story goes that she wondered aloud to a mutual friend when Yankovic would turn "Like a Virgin" into "Like a Surgeon." The rest is history...
...but Weird: The Al Yanko